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Removing Small Tree Stumps

Removing Small Tree Stumps without Stump Grinders

A tree has been cut down, but then some still sit there and firmly rooted in the ground. Now, what strategy in removing small tree stumps are you going to do? What are the best ways to solve this landscaping problem? And to answer that question, you can always hire a professional stump removal service, but then that’s a bit expensive. Or alternatively, what you can do is rent a stump grinder from a rental centre and do it yourself instead. However, bear in mind that DIY has two major disadvantages. First, stump grinders are heavy and dangerous. The second method is the manual one, which entails literally removing small tree stumps. Yes, manual removal is cheap but then it also has drawbacks. First, it is labour-intensive and not all towns will pick up stumps along with the trash.
This article will be giving you a brief explanation of the manual way. At the same time, we will be focusing on the cheap alternative that has the added benefit of being easy which is the chemical method. But then be forewarned, that chemical method requires some patience.

Manual Method of Removing Small Tree Stumps

If you are trying to get rid of small-sized stumps and you opt for a manual tree stump removal, you may use a mattock, a shovel, and an axe. Well, of course, different folks have different preferences for tools and different experience levels with tools. And you can never have too many good tools around for a job like this, so let us give a few more ideas of the supplies that you may need.
Heavy Steel Bar / Utility Bar / Digging Bar. This tool will help you pry out a small stub once you’ve loosened it appropriately.
Small bow saw. Use this to cut the roots that you may have trouble when using mattock.
Large bow saw, in case you don’t have an axe. Well, this is a safer tool to use compared to axe.
Steel-toed boots and gloves for safety. Wearing this will prevent you from any danger.
Here’s a tip, if you are planning of removing small tree stumps manually, avoid cutting a stump down to ground level.

How to Remove Small Tree Stumps Manually?

Assuming that you have already prepared all the necessary tools to use, here’s what you need to do.
  1. Dig around the stump using your mattock’s broad end. And once you have loosened the dirt, shovel it out of your way. Be prepared to clear away the dug soil. Remember that the bigger the stump, the more earth soil you will be moving. Well, this is necessary to gain access to all those roots that need cutting. Moreover, use the other end of the mattock to start chopping your way through the tree roots.
  2. Dig and chop your way under the root ball to the taproot. Taproots will be imposing enough to require cutting with an axe or large bow saw. Clean excess dirt off the taproot with a wet rag before cutting. Note: Do not use an axe unless you have been educated in handling it properly.
  3. Chop through the taproot with your axe. Secure that the area is clear of people, pets, and other objects before you swing the axe to avoid any injury. Always wear steel-toed boots when using an axe.
Well, obviously, a manual approach of removing small tree stumps involves a lot of digging, sawing, and chopping. And not everyone is physically capable of doing this kind of work. That is why here’s an easier way to get rid of a tree stump.

Chemical Method of Removing Small Tree Stumps

Chemical method is essentially a way to rush the natural processes that would eventually break down the stump anyhow, even if you did not lift a finger. Well, to hurry nature along, you’ll be supplying two ingredients in unnatural quantities to speed up the rotting process. And these are, nitrogen and water. Well, tree stump removal will still be slow this way but it’s an improvement over nature. Here’s how to remove small tree stumps using this method.

Removing Small Tree Stumps Using Chemical Method

Well, before starting, make sure that the stump is cut down as close to the ground. And don’t forget to wear steel-toed boots for this part of the job.
  1. Drill holes a few inches deep into the stump in numerous places using your widest drill bit. Note, the wider and deeper the holes, the better.
  2. Fill the holes first with water, then with a fertilizer high in nitrogen. For instance, you could use cow manure. Or if you’re using a commercial fertiliser, make sure it has high nitrogen content.
  3. Soak the ground all around the stump. Cover the stump with a plastic tarp. The tarp will act as a barrier to help retain moisture in and around the stump.
  4. Apply organic covering bark or hay over the plastic tarp and water it thoroughly. This will hold additional moisture, keeping the area even wetter.
  5. The last thing you do is to be patient! You are now speeding the natural process of rotting by following the above steps. Hence, this tree stump removal technique is still not for those who need to remove it right away.

Other Chemical Method: Burn it Out

In doing this, you need to find out first if it is legal to burn the stump. Considering that there may be restrictions in your area for open fires. Once you have checked that it's fine, then you may do these steps:
  1. Build a wood fire on top of the stump. It might be easy to use the chopped-up tree you just cut down to burn a fire on top of the stump. Lay out the wood on top on the stump and surround it with more woods. In this way, the centre will be burned.
  2. Keep it burning. It may take several hours to burn the stump, so just keep adding more woods until it burns down to the ground.
  3. After the stump has burned out, shovel the ash out of the hole and discard it.
  4. Fill the hole. Replace the ash with sawdust. Note keep adding matter to the area when it sinks every few months.
Stump removal is more complicated than cutting down a tree, that is why most of the professional tree services generally don’t include it in the cost of tree removal service. Hence, with the above insights, you now have the idea of what is best to use or do in removing small tree stumps.

Seeking for a professional and affordable stump removal service?

Tall Timbers Tree Services is the best company for your need. Call us today for more details and our team of professionals will be happy to assist you. Or you may visit our website for more services.
Also, are you interested in tree felling? Well, you may want to read this article. How To Remove Tree Stump


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